Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tennessee Thanksgiving

We had a great time spending Thanksgiving in Tennessee with Adam's parents. (Ari was in California with her dad and Alex, and Mom stayed at home to spend time with Lynn's family.) Carrie spent a lot of time with Grandma Yvonne; here they are making rolls for dinner and play dough for all of the kids.

Heath loves Max, and Max is amazingly tolerant. Heath loved to try to ride Max or walk around the yard holding his collar. The kittens were also a big draw, but they were so young we only handled them one time.

The weather was beautiful, so we spent a lot of time outside. Quin makes eyes at her two favorite gentlemen.

Arts and crafts for the kids. Daddy colors a Little Pony picture for Quin.

Grandma and Grandpa had Christmas early for us. The girls had a great time at Grandma's store, and Grandpa made some of Heath's dreams come true. Here he is posed in his new motorcycle racing gear.

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