I haven't posted for a while, so I've left off a lot of events - the State Fair, more motocross, Carrie teaching herself to ride her bike without training wheels, teaching the kids to shuck corn, and so on. I'll try to fill in some of those pictures later.
Because suddenly, the school year not only snuck up on us, it hit us on the back of the head.
Yesterday we had "Meet the Teacher" events for all three of the Littles. I don't have any pictures of Heath's, as we were too busy playing with the Smart Board in the classroom and I had to rush back to work. But we went to the preschool in the evening, so we had more time to play. And play they did - we didn't get out of there for hours.
Here are the girls in the Bumblebee classroom. They walked in, dropped off their supplies, and went straight to the pretend play area.
Carrie with Miss Christie, in the Bumblebee classroom. Carrie is in this classroom in the afternoon.
Quin with Miss Christie. Quin is in the Bumblebee classroom in the morning.
Carrie with Miss Chris in the Monkey classroom. This is her classroom in the morning. Note that she has already found the princess dresses and fairy wings.
Carrie with Miss Kim in the Monkey classroom.
First Day of School today! They were both up by 6:00. And had their outfits chosen carefully, down to their shoes. Carrie loves her Hannah Montana lunchbox. Because she stays the full day, she gets to take her lunch.
Quin urging me to hurry up and get to the bus stop. Good thing she did, too. The bus was only an hour late. In the rain, which hadn't started yet when we were walking down there.
They didn't mind the weather, though, because they were so excited.
Quin is dwarfed by her backpack. She's a walking head with feet.
See Carrie's lovely sparkly pink shoes? Guess who picked them out!
Not the Mommy. . .
Quin looks like a crossing guard here. I think she might be talking to some of her imaginary friends. Heath and Carrie almost look like big kids, but they're not!
The Three Stooges wait for the bus.
Heath is thrilled to see Miss Barb again.
The Three Stooges wait for the bus.
Heath is thrilled to see Miss Barb again.
The girls got on the bus without a backward glance. The driver and assistant had to tell them to turn around for a picture.
What a wild a crazy emotional day for Mom!!!! I can only imagine. It seems much too soon for school, but it looked like the kids were ready!Darling pictures . . .
It is too soon for me, but it was fine for the kids and for Grandma! I don't take Ari to Connecticut for another 11 days, so the starts are really spread out this year. The Littles were wild about starting - Quin even got up early again for her second day! She's been dressed for an hour and ready to go.
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