Sunday, September 13, 2009

Debunked and Puddle Jumped

Oh, beware the weekends when Adam is bored. Especially those weekends when we don't want to spend money, because you never know what is going to end up happening. Sometimes this is a good thing, because necessary chores get done. And sometimes, we have weekends full of surprises. Which makes for fun, but not for restful, times!
This was one such weekend. It started off well, with a decision - far belated, mind you - to mow the lawn. Almost instantly upon starting the mower, Adam startled a good-sized bullfrog in our yard. So we decided to build a temporary home for the frog until the mowing was complete.
The kids loved touching the frog. Heath was first in line.
Rapt attention is given as the temporary "pond" is created. Adam added the stuff we add to the fish tank to treat the water so the frog would be safe from the chemicals in regular tap water.
The kids found stones and built up a little resting area for the frog so he had his choice of water or land. He enjoyed his temporary home until the mowing was completed.
Adam let Heath mow a few rows under close and careful supervision. (I think this may have been the only shot in which Adam's hands weren't also on the mower.)
Carrie and her basket of "pets."
An hour or so after the mowing, Adam was still bored. So he spontaneously invites my sister's family over to watch the game that night and starts cooking like crazy. Here Quin is mixing the "gourmet" potatoes.
Daddy pitches in to help.
The big girls do the little girls' hair. Nicole holds Quin, who is showing off her new French braids. They lasted until she started wrestling with the boys.
At 20, Alex is still at the kids' table. The other kids won't let him graduate to the dining room yet!
Nicole and Claire. Special prizes for most spirit wear, least minutes watching the game.
My sister looks bored here, but she's really just trying to understand what Carrie is saying to her. Something about her braids, I assume. Hairdo compliments of Nicole and Claire.
We're not big sports fans in my family - OK, my sister's family and my mom are, but Adam and I certainly aren't. Anyway, we don't really own any OSU attire. Heath has some passed down from his cousins. He's not sporting a Michigan jersey here - it's just an Old Navy jersey that happens to be blue and gold.
And Alex was in a win-win situation - he's also a fan of USC, so he didn't really care who won. Of all the kids big and small, Ethan was the only one to watch the entire game. Randy held a similar role for the adults. The rest of us didn't settle in until later in the first quarter.
On Sunday, Adam was still bored. We had boring things like laundry to do, and I was out a bit with Alex in the afternoon, but relaxing was not enough for Adam. So he spontaneously decided to take apart Carrie and Quin's bunk beds and make them into twin beds. Which would have been great, but that meant that A) I had to help and B) we had to move the entire room around. Anyway, the girls were thrilled, and we like the way it works. They have a small room, but even with the beds down they didn't seem to lose much space. Carrie asked me to put her lamb pictures back up on the wall - they are galleys from a children's book, so she likes me to read them to her. The bunk beds obscured them, so they haven't been on the walls for a while.
I think they'll like it, because they've been trading beds off and on lately because they each preferred the lower bunk. Now they're both on the ground!
Quin tucked her little Mickey and Minnie dolls under the covers herself.
Look - there's room above my head! Carrie likes the room arrangement also.
Maybe they'll stay in their own room tonight!
Heath wanted a picture taken of him in his room since the girls got pictures taken in theirs.
His new tooth is starting to come in already, though it's hard to capture in pictures.
I think his other bottom tooth is also getting loose.


Adam and Vicky said...

I love your busy weekend! So many cute pics. And you have beautiful, beautiful children . . .
The braids are adorable! And the long ringlets are gorgeous! :)

Beth said...

I was looking forward to a non-busy weekend! But since I was down for the count last weekend, Adam couldn't take being sedentary for two in a row! I love the recent pix of Vanessa also - but still can't post on your blog! It's so cute how she was so into the apple she wouldn't walk! My kids eat themselves sick when we pick there. I can't believe we missed the Honeycrisp this year - they are my absolute favorite, and we just did not have the time to get there by Saturday.

Adam and Vicky said...

My father was a very impulsive guy -- so he would get many wild hairs to do lots of things all at once -- so for me there was something nostalgic about your weekend. :) Hope you can rest this weekend! I'd happily share some Honeycrisp with you and the kid but Adam has been eating 2 or 3 a day. We now only have a couple left. :( Fortunately Lynd's has planted more Honeycrisp trees but it'll be a couple years before we can pick from them. I hope their prediction for the number of trees to plant was good and there won't always be a mad rush to get Honeycrisp. I'm half tempted to go pick Suncrisp just to stretch out the season for us. :) I'm having mixed feelings about seeing pumpkins and mums everywhere . . . I'm not ready for fall! And FYI -- I removed the comment feature on Vanessa's blog due to problems people were having . . . always feel free to email! :)