Friday, January 9, 2009


OK, this is what I'm hearing in my head (to the tune of "Batman"):

nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh

nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh


Let's just say that when you keep two kittens in a crate overnight, at some point something bad is going to happen. Not "run from the room screaming" bad, but "Honey, I think the kittens need a bath" bad. Unfortunately, I didn't think to grab the camera until the end of Boo's bath, so there are many more pictures of Otis. We'll pay for that in therapy later, I'm sure.
Adam was very careful to keep their heads out of the water, so they looked like somebody took cat heads and stuck them on the bodies of drowned rats.

There are no pictures of us blow-drying them after. That was really an "all hands on deck" situation.

1 comment:

The Arndt Family said...

Hysterical shots, Beth!!! You could probably sell those to one of those funny animal photo websites!!