Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Day

Heath and Carrie waiting patiently for everyone else to gather together.

Stockings always have oranges and toothbrushes.

Quin tries to reach something deep inside her stocking.

Heath opens his packages near Grandma. There weren't many this year because of the trip, but none of the kids seemed to mind that at all.

Ari opens her package that Carrie got for her at Secret Santa - best friend bracelets.

Ari puts one of the bracelets on Carrie.

Carrie was so proud of all of the gifts she picked out. By a strange coincidence, most of our gifts included candy. . .which she was kind enough to help us eat. Adam's were all chocolate, so the girls got all of his!

Quin helps to pass out Carrie's gifts.

Carrie's family gift to us all

All of the kids love the Cool School computer from Grandma Yvonne and Grandpa.

Hey, it's Christmas. Heath and Carrie eat the last piece of chocolate cake for breakfast.

Carrie plays the Cool School dressed as Hannah Montana.

Heath's fruit clock really works.

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