Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ari's Grad - Can I Get a Whoop?!!!!!

Ari graduated on June 12th, and we couldn't be prouder. She is a National Achievement Scholar through the National Merit program and was accepted early decision to Wesleyan University in Connecticut. Her calculus teacher sent me a note near the end of the last quarter to let me know that Ari kept working all the way through to the end in his class, though many of the other seniors had let up. All through school she's worked very hard, kept an exceptional GPA, and has made us all very proud. Here she is the morning of graduation - she looked beautiful! Ari poses with Grandma before running out the door for class pictures.
Columbus Academy Class of 2009
Ari's at the extreme left in the second row.
2009 Lifers
These are the kids who attended Academy from first grade through graduation.
Ari's at the extreme left in the first row.
Waiting to process - she looks a little nervous!
You would be too, in high heels and a floor-length gown walking through the grass!
Processing past us
The big moment
Kahlen celebrates his diploma all the way back to his seat.

The recessional - looking much more relaxed!
Ari with her Dad in the reception line.

With Grandma Evetta

With Kahlen, Lauren, and Shawn
Grandma gets her photo op.

Out little band of misfits - Stacy and Chyna, Freedom and Kahlen, Ari and me

The whole fam in attendance (Adam's parents kept the Littles at home for us.)
Evetta, Alex, Leroy, Ari, Tony, Carol, Adam, and Beth
Ari with her best gal pals - Chyna, Eliza, and Courtney
Ari with her third-grade teacher, Mrs. Mason

The cake

The flowers
Ari opening presents
I have a thousand shots of the party, but I'm only posting a few. Those of you in attendance who would like to see all of the pix, I'm holding them hostage at my house for your next visit!
Ari with Kahlen, one of her BFFs.
With Shawn
We're taking this thing outside!
Nicole tries on Ari's dress.

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