Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Toast 'em If You've Got 'em

The anticipation builds at the first backyard "campfire" of the season. The toasting begins.
Ari was working and missed the fun, but Alex joined us.

Pepper and Carrie share a moment.

This photo reminds me a little bit of a Seurat painting.
Or maybe it just reminds me of the blocking in
Sunday in the Park with George.
Anyway, I can hear Mandy Patinkin singing now:
Finish the hat, finish the hat,
red, red, red, red. . . .

Sugar coma of bliss

Alex's coat is similar to Pepper's, don't you think?

OK, this shot has nothing to do with the marshmellow roast, but who could resist those pigtails and those eyes?
It's proof that she survived the sugar rush anyway.

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